Welcome to the Cyber24 Podcast
your source for the latest on cyber security Subscribe on iTunesSubscribe on Google PlayEpisode 79: Is your video conference secure enough?
Over the past few weeks, businesses have had to shift the way they work. As COVID-19 has forced offices to shift to remote work, many companies are just now starting to understand the security risks related to their online meetings. In this week’s episode of CYBER24,...
Episode 78: Driving forces behind Ransomware growth
Ransomware is a growing problem for American businesses — particularly small and medium-sized businesses. In just the first nine months of 2019, there were nearly 152 million ransomware attacks. They are getting more sophisticated. Most efforts to thwart hackers rely...
Episode 77: Easing the transition to remote work
Over the past couple of weeks, a large portion of the workforce has faced a quick transition from office life to working remotely. Some organizations were well prepared to make that change, many employees had already been working remotely, but some faced significant...
Episode 76: Utah’s rapid transition to remote work
Over the past week, national leaders have asked businesses to allow employees to work from home and Utah added a big earthquake to the mix. For leaders in the Utah Dept. of Technology Services, this meant putting plans into action to allow workers to connect while...
Episode 75: What’s keeping business from taking security seriously?
For all the talk about the importance of cybersecurity, despite an increase in the number of businesses and other organizations being targeted by hackers, for all the new regulations aimed at protecting consumers while forcing businesses to take data protection...
Episode 74: How deep learning beats machine learning in detecting threats
Detecting increasingly sophisticated malware attacks requires complex defenses. Security companies are using more and more advanced types of machine and deep learning to blacklist malware and prevent it from ever getting to your employees or your computer...