Welcome to the Cyber24 Podcast
your source for the latest on cyber security Subscribe on iTunesSubscribe on Google PlayEpisode 10: Victim of a data breach? Don’t become an accomplice to the crime
By now you likely understand a data breach is a matter of “when” not “if” for your organization. Hopefully you are working to build a culture of cybersecurity within your business and tightening up your security measures themselves. But when something does eventually...
Episode 9: Creating unbreakable passwords
There was a time when you only had a password for a handful of accounts like you email and your computer login. Those days are long gone. Today, you likely have a password for everything from your Netflix account to your online shopping account to the app you use to...
Episode 8: Cyber insurance gaining popularity as hacks increase
In this week’s episode of CYBER24, we take a look at some interesting polling information that shows exactly who Americans trust and distrust with their data. But does it make a difference in how we actually behave? We also take a deep dive into the world of cyber...
Episode 7: State cyber team closes vulnerability found by Utah man
In this week’s episode of CYBER24, the man in charge of protecting state data and devices talks about the security measures in place that helped the Dept. of Technology Services move quickly to close a vulnerability discovered by a Utah man. We also talk about the value of having cybersecurity expertise with your legal counsel when responding to a cyber incident.
Episode 6: Investigating cybercrime and nabbing the Nigerian prince scammer
Do you remember back when you had your first email account and you received an unsolicited email from someone claiming to be a Nigerian prince? It seems like most of America had a similar offer and, sadly, more than a few fell for it. It was one of the earliest phishing schemes.
Well, #spoileralert, the person who sent those email wasn’t royalty and his fortune was based solely on the money his victims sent him. But, did you know the Nigerian prince – at least one of them – was brought to justice by Utah law enforcement?
Episode 5: Keeping Utah elections secure
“I used to think that elections just happen but I can assure you they do not,” says Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox, who is designated by the Utah Constitution as the chief elections officer. “It’s a one-time-a-year thing for everyone else, but for my office it is twenty-four-seven, 365 days a year.”