Welcome to the Cyber24 Podcast
your source for the latest on cyber security Subscribe on iTunesSubscribe on Google PlayEpisode 4: Business Email Compromise – Wolf in sheep’s clothing
How many emails do you get a day? Studies show the average American received nearly 100 emails each day and many would say that’s a slow morning at the office. Add to that number each ding for texts, tweets and direct messages, and it’s easy to see why not every message gets your full attention.
Episode 3 – Internet of Things
North Korea tests US cyber vulnerabilities Authentication, encryption and the padlock on your browser (9:40) Implementation of guidelines to protect US critical infrastructure (22:40) Hackers attacking hospitals, cars and pacemakers - sometimes for profit (30:48) In...
Episode 2-Cybersecurity in the Workplace is Everyone’s Business
First, a note of thanks. The premiere episode of CYBER24 debuted to rave reviews and proved there is a desire among business leaders and policy makers to better understand cybersecurity issues. Admittedly, we gave you your money's worth in episode one. So this week we...
Episode 1-Simple Steps to Online Safety
In the premiere episode of CYBER24, we discussed some of the top cybersecurity threats of 2017 with Matt Sorensen, chief information security officer (CISO) with Secuvant, and Sgt. Jeff Plank, a member of the state Cyber Task Force. First, it’s important to know who...